What's new this week? Activities, events, and announcements are found in our Tidings newsletter. Click on the image below for the current issue!
Or click here for the Newsletter Archive.
Or click here for the Newsletter Archive.

IF YOU ARE USING SAFARI AS YOUR BROWSER: We have discovered a glitch when trying to view the above calendar while utilizing Safari as your internet browser. We recommend you either switch browsers (for example, to Chrome or Firefox), or you can click here to be directed to a new page that displays the calendar. We apologize for any inconveniences.
Trustee Meetings: Third Tuesday of the Month at 6:00pm (January, March, May, August, October, December)
Common Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm (February, April, June, September, November)
Office Manager Public Office Hours: (Unless specified differently on the calendar above)
Mondays through Thursdays 9am to noon & 1pm to 4pm
Fridays 9am to noon
Common Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm (February, April, June, September, November)
Office Manager Public Office Hours: (Unless specified differently on the calendar above)
Mondays through Thursdays 9am to noon & 1pm to 4pm
Fridays 9am to noon